ICW Data: East Java Most Contributors Of Corruption Cases During Semester I 2022

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) released findings regarding the handling of corruption cases carried out by law enforcement officers during the first semester of 2022. The officers handling the corruption case are the KPK, the police, and the prosecutor's office.Based on the mapping of case handling in each province, it is recorded that East Java is the province that contributed the most corruption cases during the first six months of 2022."ICW noted that East Java Province contributed the most 35 cases," said ICW researcher Diky Anandya in a virtual press conference, Sunday, November 20.However, Diky underlined, the mapping of the area obtained from the source of mass media information and the official website of law enforcement does not necessarily indicate that one area is the most corrupt."It could be because the law enforcement officers are actively handling corruption cases," said Diky.The provinces that have the most corruption cases are West Java with 19 cases, Aceh with 18 cases, South Sumatra with 14 cases, North Maluku with 12 cases, Bali with 12 cases, West Sumatra with 10 cases, Papua with 8 cases, Riau with 7 cases, then North Sumatra with 7 cases.During the first semester of 2022, ICW recorded 252 corruption cases handled by law enforcement officials. Of these cases, 612 people have been named suspects, with the potential value of state losses reaching Rp33.6 trillion.Then, the potential value of the bribe is Rp. 149 billion, the potential for illegal levies is Rp. 8.8 billion, and potential assets resulting from crimes disguised through a money laundering mechanism of Rp. 931 billion.Meanwhile, there are 1,387 corruption targets that must be handled in the first semester of 2022. Thus, ICW provides an E value for the realization of the prosecution of corruption cases for six months since January 2022."From the target of 1,387 corruption cases in the first semester of 2022, all law enforcement officers were observed to be only able to realize 252 corruption cases or around 18 percent. Thus, the performance of prosecuting corruption cases only gets an E or a very bad score," he explained.