UK Intelligence Chief Opens Up: Blocks 100 Russian Intel Infiltration Attempts, Prevents 10 Threats by Iran

JAKARTA - Russia, Iran, and China became the attention of British intelligence when the country's spy chief revealed security threats to the country led by King Charles III.

Britain must tackle Russian aggression for years to come, Ken McCallum, head of Britain's homeland intelligence service, said Wednesday, adding his agency has blocked more than 100 Kremlin attempts to bring suspected spies to Britain since the Salisbury poisoning.

The head of MI5 said Russia had suffered a "strategic blow" after 400 spies were expelled from across Europe after the start of the war in Ukraine, but he said the Kremlin was actively trying to rebuild the espionage network.

Britain has expelled 23 Russian spies disguised as diplomats after the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury in 2018. Since then, "more than 100 Russian diplomatic visa applications"

have been rejected on national security grounds.

McCallum accused Russia of making "ridiculous claims" about British activities without evidence, such as Britain's involvement in the Nord Stream gas pipeline attack. But, he said his serious point was, "Britain must be prepared for Russian aggression in the years to come."

In addition to Russia, MI5 bosses say threats are also increasing from Iran, with 10 attempts to kidnap and even kill people based in the UK over the past year.

Iran's "aggressive intelligence services" are actively targeting the UK and have made at least 10 attempts to "kidnap or even kill" individuals based in the UK or UK since January, as the regime feels more pressure than ever before.

Last week, the Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's deputy ambassador over threats to kill two London-based journalists by Iranian-backed agents over reports of protests in Iran.

Meanwhile China, McCallum said, is playing the 'long game' of trying to foster long-term contact with politicians and intimidate members of the Chinese diaspora, including when pro-democracy protesters "appear to be the subject of violence" outside the Chinese Consulate in Manchester.