Sambut WSBK Mandalika 2022 And G20 Bali, Ditpolairud Polda NTB Tighten 4 Lombok Entrance Points
JAKARTA - At least four entry points for residents to Lombok are closely guarded by the Directorate of Water and Air Police (Ditpolairud) of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) ahead of the G20 Bali Summit.
"Every day I check members at four points of entry by residents to Lombok to tighten supervision of the G20 in Bali," said Director of Polairud Polda NTB Kombes Pol. Kobul Syahrin Ritonga in a written statement, Friday 11 November.
In the near future, there will be two international event agendas in Indonesia that require special security.
The agenda, namely WSBK 2022 at the NTB Mandalika Circuit will take place from 11-13 November and the G20 Bali Summit will be held on 15-16 November.
For this reason, Kobul explained that the NTB Police security team was divided into two. One team was assigned to secure the G20 and another team for the WSBK event at the Mandalika Circuit.
Kobul, who received the task of securing the G20 Bali, said that his party routinely carries out security every day, mainly monitoring four entry points for residents to Lombok.
"Today I went to the Ward to see and confirm the members on duty," he said.
He hopes that all officers will not be careless in carrying out this noble task, and always instill sincere intentions so that they can be counted as worship.
"For the members on duty, I hope to stay healthy and always be vigilant. Intention to worship while on duty so that it becomes a value of worship," said Kobel.
Previously, the TNI deployed 14,351 personnel to secure the peak of the G20 Summit which will take place in Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali, 15 16 November 2022.
A total of 14,351 TNI soldiers consisted of 1,063 TNI Headquarters, 1,451 Paspampres, 6,552 TNI AD, 2,474 Navy, and 2,811 Indonesian Air Force.
Meanwhile, the National Police held Operation Puri Agung 2022 which accompanied the security of the G20 Summit, from 8 to 17 November 2022. This operation covers three areas, namely the Bali Police, East Java Police, and the NTB Police.
In the operation of these three regions, the National Police deployed 9,700 personnel with 3,669 personnel in the reserve forces at the Brimob Command Headquarters and 11 Brimobda units. They are troops who have special capabilities and modern technology that are integrated with the command center or command center.