Corruption Case of Work Benefit in Bandar Lampung Prosecutor's Office Rises Investigation, Prosecutor's Office Just Determines Suspect

LAMPUNG - The case of corruption in the performance allowance fund at the Bandar Lampung District Attorney's Office has officially been investigated. Soon the suspect will be appointed by the Lampung High Court.

"It is still in the process of being investigated to find out who is most responsible for this case", said the Assistant for Special Crimes (Aspidsus) at the Lampung High Court, Hutamrin, in Bandar Lampung, Monday, October 31.

He explained that the indications of corruption in the Tukin pieces at the Bandar LampungDistrict Attorney's Office were based on the results of an internal examination on September 15, 2022.

Hutamrin conveyed that state losses from the alleged remuneration corruption case carried out by the Treasurer of the Bandar Lampung District Attorney's Office reached IDR 1.8 billion.

"The indication of temporary loss calculated by the supervisory sector is IDR 1.8 billion. However, this is not final, because there is still an audit, we are looking for the fastest one", he said.

Hutamrin said that in this case, the modus operandi of the alleged perpetrators was to mark up the number of performance allowances for the Bandar Lampung District Attorney's Office employees.

The perpetrators are L as the Expenditure Treasurer of the Bandar Lampung District Attorney's Office, B as the Head of Personnel, Finance, and PNBP, and S as the SIMAK BMN Operator who is seconded as a salary list maker.

"So, after the money is entered into the employee's account, then the withdrawal will be carried out automatically on the same day, based on a letter of request for withdrawal or return to the bank made by the Head of Finance on behalf of Bandar Lampung District Attorney's Office", explained Hutamrin.

Then, he continued, they applied for the Bandar Lampung District Attorney's Office employee performance allowance to a bank account that was no longer used, so they could make a double claim.

Previously, Tukin was paid through a BNI Bank account, but since March 2022 it has been paid through a Bank Mandiri account.

"However, the submission of performance allowances to the BNI Bank account is still being carried out, resulting in double claims", ​​he said.

Currently, said Hutamrin, only IDR 780 million of state losses have been returned by them, while the rest has not been returned.