Returning From School, Junior High School Students Being Hacked By OTK At Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta

JAKARTA - A student with the initials A Junior High School (SMP) is suspected of being the victim of an unknown person (OTK) stabbing on Jalan Puteran toll JORR, Petukangan, South Jakarta.

F, one of the local residents, said the incident occurred on Friday, October 21, during the day.

The incident began when the victim came home from school riding a motorcycle to his house. However, upon arrival at the scene (TKP) the victim was suddenly attacked by an unknown person.

"There is a school boy who was stabbed in the back of the head along the JORR Petukangan toll road," said F when confirmed, Monday, October 24.

After the incident, the victim was immediately helped by residents and rushed to the nearest health center, to be given medical assistance.

"The child only had a stab wound to the back of his head and was immediately taken to the Pesanggrahan Palem Health Center," he said.

F admitted that he did not know whether the perpetrator intended to stab or a student of the brawl. He only knew that the student was the victim of the stabbing.

"For the motive, we still don't know, the robbers or groups of students are looking for enemies," he said.

The Head of Pesanggrahan Police, Kompol Nazirwan, confirmed the incident. He said the victim was hit in the back of the head.

Until now, his party is still following up on the case.

"Or being hit from behind, this is being investigated by the modus operandi and the perpetrators," he concluded