How To Avoid Toxic Environments That Make Mental Health Perturbed

JAKARTA - Avoiding the environment and also people who are toxic or toxic need to be done to maintain mental health. Quoted from Webmd, toxic people are people whose presence creates many problems in a person's life, as well as discomfort and stress.

"Avoid the environment and toxic people who have a negative impact on themselves," said psychiatrist specialist dr. Zulvia Oktanida Syarif, Sp.KJ from the University of Indonesia, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, October 24.

Not only are toxic people and the environment actually have a negative impact, the doctor who is familiarly called Vivi said mental health can also be maintained by avoiding alcohol and NAPZA.

Instead, look for the environment and people who have a positive impact on life. Manage is also stressed and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Mental health is closely related to physical health, therefore he recommends eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

"To maintain mental health, it is important to eat healthy foods and drinks that contain protein and omega-3 such as nuts, salmon, and so on," he said.

The central administrator of the Indonesian Mental Medicine Specialist Association (PDSKJ) recommends eating food and drinks that can increase levels of serotonin, namely neurotransmitters responsible for dealing with depression and anxiety conditions.

Exercise, in addition to being able to nourish the body, also creates happiness because it can help increase the hormone dopamine and serotonin. He also reminded him to rest enough and reduce staying up late so as not to be prone to mental health.

Individuals whose mental health is maintained can develop physically, mentally, mentally, spiritually, and socially. These individuals can realize their abilities, can overcome pressure, can work productively, and are able to contribute to their community.