Acting Governor Heru Orders His Subsequence Response To Congested Roads Of Congestion In DKI

JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono asked his staff and related parties to immediately inform if they find roads flooded due to extreme weather marked by high rain intensity.

According to Heru, with information earlier, people can avoid roads that are prone to being inundated while driving or using public transportation to avoid long traffic jams.

He conveyed this in an apple with the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Forkopimda and all levels of the DKI Provincial Government at Monas Square, Central Jakarta.

"Together with the Head of BPBD, Dirlantas, the Department of Transportation, it could provide information to the public earlier regarding inundation-prone points, making them prone to congestion," said Heru, Monday, October 24.

When they find out the inundation points, according to Heru, people will be able to easily choose a travel route that is safe from inundation and congestion. In addition, people can also decide to work from home (WFH).

"Giving it earlier is better. I also saw the tools from the Transportation Agency providing information long ago, through TMC, through the official DKI channels, so that people can choose, namely to keep working or WFH," he explained.

In addition, Heru also directed his subordinates to facilitate activities and mobility of residents as well as encourage sustainable transportation.

"This not only presents infrastructure that integrates intermodal transportation, but also the integration of ticketing services, reducing U-Tourn to the application of Jalan Satu Arah at certain hours are several efforts by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to handle traffic congestion in the next 2 years," explained Heru.

Meanwhile, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Kadishub) Syafrin Liputo will follow up on the direction of Acting Governor Heru by immediately conducting studies with various parties, such as the Polda Metro Jaya so that the dynamics of traffic jams in Jakarta can run according to plan.

"We will explore the management of this matter. Then, we are currently conducting a comprehensive study, so that later from the results of the study, the most optimal results will be obtained for smooth traffic," said Syafrin.