Hundreds Of Youth Various Ormas Geruduk Cipinang Prison, Menyaksa Pembebasan Umar Kei

JAKARTA - Class 1 Cipinang Prison, East Jakarta, was raided by hundreds of people from various mass organizations (Ormas) in Jakarta on Monday, October 17. Their arrival was to pick up Umar Ohoitenan alias Umar Kei who had just been released from the Class 1 Cipinang Prison.

According to Abdul Fatah Pasolo, one of the Maluku youth figures said Umar Ohoitenan alias Umar Kei was released from prison after receiving parole.

"Alhamdulillah, free condition today, Monday, October 17 after serving 2/3 of his sentence," said Abdul Fatah, Monday, October 17.

The release of Umar Kei was welcomed by many people, especially those who were active in youth organizations. Evidently, there are hundreds of youths who have gathered in front of the Cipinang Prison since morning to pick up the Chairperson of the Maluku Muslin Youth Forum (FPMM).

Leo, the East Jakarta Betawi Rempug Forum Task Force (FBR) is happy and grateful for the release of Umar Kei. He deliberately came with dozens of members to provide support to the Maluku youth figure.

"Thank God, all thanks to the prayers of all of us, Bang Umar was able to get through all this and be free. He is a good person, he doesn't look at other people based on race, he always embraces. That's his greatness," he said.

Regional Secretary of PPBNI Satria Banten DKI Jakarta, Tahali said, he had known Umar Kei for more than 5 years. According to him, Umar Kei is a figure who strengthens the Community and Youth Organization (OKP) in Jakarta.

"From Satria Banten, we can still knit this brotherhood, synergize for togetherness between OKPs in Jakarta. Don't let us as children of the nation, fight each other," he said.