The Ministry of Transportation Reads the Rules for Carrying Pets on Turkish Airlines Planes

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of Air Transportation will explore the rules for bringing pets on board the Turkish Airlines airline.

This step is a follow-up to the physical attack on the flight crew some time ago.

Director General of Civil Aviation at the Ministry of Transportation, Nur Isnin Istiartono, said that he received reports and data from various parties, including the Turkish Airline airline and the passengers involved regarding the chronology of the incident on the Turkish Airlines flight.

According to Nur Isnin, reports of alleged unruly passengers or naughty passengers on Turkish Airline flights stemmed from passenger complaints regarding the provisions for bringing pets (pets) into the aircraft cabin.

Based on reports, the alleged perpetrator was with M. Jhon Jaiz Boudewijn.

Nur Isnin said, because the complaint had not yet received a response, the alleged perpetrator then showed behavior that disturbed the comfort of passengers and cabin crew during the flight, until finally he was arrested for causing a commotion on the plane.

In this incident, the Turkish Airline took action to force down passengers suspected of unruly passengers at Kualanamu Airport, Medan.

Nur Isnin added, based on the Turkish Airline statement, the action was taken so as not to endanger the safety and security of the flight as well as the comfort of the passengers and crew on the plane.

However, said Nur Isnin, the Directorate General of Hubud will continue to explore the provisions of the rules for bringing pets into the aircraft cabin that apply to Turkish Airlines.

"Do passengers who bring pets (pets) into the plane's cabin meet the requirements determined by the airline, and how is the supervision of the crew during the flight," said Nur Isnin, in an official statement, quoted Monday, October 17.

For this reason, as a follow-up, said Nur Isni, the Flight Inspector of the Directorate General of Hubud will explore related to safety.

"As well as the transportation of pets (pets) in the aircraft cabin," he said.

Nur Isnis said that from the results of the discussion, it was also agreed that this incident is an incident related to airline services with passengers so that it does not fall into the criminal realm according to the jurisdiction of the State of Indonesia based on the 1963 Tokyo Convention (Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft), as stated in Article 3 of the 1963 Tokyo Convention stipulates that the country which has the right to exercise jurisdiction over a criminal offense is the country where the aircraft is registered.

"Given the Turkish Airlines aircraft registration TC-LJG is registered in the State of Turkey, the applicable jurisdiction is the jurisdiction of the State of Turkey," he said.

Furthermore, Nur Isnin strongly appealed to all airlines, both national and foreign airlines operating from/to Indonesia, to pay attention to the comfort of passengers, especially Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are on the flight.

"So that it doesn't cause a commotion that will have an impact on flight safety and security. Airlines must also supervise passengers who bring pets and ensure that they comply with applicable regulations," he explained.

For your information, the Turkish Airlines plane with the Istanbul-Jakarta route was diverted to Kualanamu Airport, Medan on October 11.

The cause, allegedly due to passengers who physically attacked the airline crew.