To Keep Twitter Accounts Safe from Online Fraudsters, Follow These 6 Steps

JAKARTA - Online fraudsters are increasingly adept at finding loopholes to trick victims in cyberspace, for example using fake identities and impersonating someone or an organization's account.

Twitter Indonesia shares six ways to keep your account safe and not to be caught by online fraudsters.

1. Strong password

It is very important to protect access to Twitter accounts, one of which is by using a strong password. Twitter recommends a password of at least 10 random characters. Save the password in the manager app so you don't forget it.

2. Keep account access

Do not carelessly share mobile numbers, emails and usernames. As for single-use passwords and codes, never share them with anyone. If you see suspicious activity, change your account password immediately.

3. Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for logging into user accounts. Twitter will ask the user to enter a code at login to confirm he or she is the owner of the account. Turn on this feature to protect your account from fraudsters.

4. Keep your DM safe

Don't open or download documents if you get a private DM message from someone you don't know. Immediately delete the message. Users can set who can send DMs.

5. Report to Twitter

If you receive spam via DM or find your account compromised, please report the activity to Twitter. The Twitter platform never asks users for passwords.

6. Update app

Keep the Twitter app up to date on both your phone and computer to get the latest protection.