National Police Chief Orders East Java Police to Maximize Medical Services for Kanjuruhan Victims

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ordered the East Java Police to provide medical services to the families and victims of the deadly tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang. In fact, 10 Bhayangkara Hospitals were provided for the victims.

"The order of the National Police Chief is for maximum treatment, medical services for the victims, and the families of the victims", ​​said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, in a written statement, Thursday, October 13.

In addition, the medical personnel was also mobilized to go directly to the victim to provide treatment for trauma healing. All injured victims are treatable and recoveries must be treated quickly.

"So our medical teams must be proactive, yes, so we can be sure that the victims were treated at the hospital, as well as outpatients, and those who were traumatized really recovered", said Dedi.

“There is also a service that picks up the ball, door to door. So this patient, for example, outpatient, wants eye control, open stitches, and change bandages, for example. It doesn't have to go far to reach medical services", he continued.

In fact, for the victims who were not seriously injured but had difficulty coming to the hospital, Dedi said they could contact Bhabinkamtibmas. The team of doctors will come right away.

Moreover, the health services that will be provided are not at all charged or free.

Meanwhile, the family of the deceased will be given a Priority Bhayangkara card that can be used when seeking treatment at the Bhayangkara Hospital.

"In addition to providing compassion, they also distribute Bhayangkara Priority cards. The cards can be used by families of victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy when they want to access free health services at 10 Bhayangkara Hospitals (RSB) at the East Java Police", said Dedi.

For information, the following is a list of the Bhayangkara Prioritas Hospital hotlines that can be contacted:

RSB Surabaya : 082140835053

RSB Kediri : 081334778877

RSB Tulungagung : 081259000812

RSB Nganjuk : 081216831605

RSB Lumajang : 081259000812

RSB Bondowoso : 08113524000

RSB Bojonegoro : 081357250509

RSB Batu : 082257026517

RSB Pusdik Sabhara : 081259416302

RSB Pusdik Brimob: 082148869275