Grandfather in Madina, North Sumatra Killed Persecuted During Asr Prayer, Police Investigate the Perpetrator's Motive

MEDAN - An old man named Hamzah alias Teger (73) resident of Mandailing Natal (Madina) Regency, North Sumatra was persecuted to death at the Al-Mukhlisin Mosque, Huta Padang Ulu Pungkut Village, Hulupungkut District. The grandfather was beaten to death by a man with the initials S (30).

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Madina Police AKP Edi Sukamto said the incident occurred when the victim was praying asr in the mosque.

"Suddenly the perpetrator came to the victim and carried out violence by repeatedly punching him with both hands towards the victim's face and body", said AKP Edi in his statement, Wednesday, October 12.

It didn't stop there, S also trampled the victim's body using both legs repeatedly. As a result, the victim suffered injuries all over his body.

"The victim suffered bruises on his left forehead, bleeding from his nose, and bruises on his left arm. One of the victim's teeth fell out so that the victim was unconscious", continued AKP Edi.

Furthermore, the witnesses who saw the incident and the local village head immediately took the victim to the Ulu Pungkut Health Center for treatment.

"Arriving at the health center the victim died. It was declared dead", he explained.

AKP Edi explained that the Kotanopan Sector Police who received information about the persecution came to the scene. The police have also arrested perpetrator S for questioning.

"We are still investigating the motive", he said.