Considered To Have Chemistry With Golkar, PDIP Tends To Join KIB For The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - The Executive Director of the Syndicate Ari Nurcahyo assessed that the strategy to embrace coalition parties until the election of presidential candidates was still very dynamic even though NasDem had rushed to announce Anies Baswedan as the 2024 presidential candidate.

A number of political elites are still diligent in holding meetings. For example, Golkar General Chair Airlangga Hartarto and PDI-P DPP Chairperson Puan Maharani.

Then, there is the Acting Head of PPP, Mardiono, who wants to establish communication with the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB). PPP also opens the opportunity to support Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo to run in the 2024 presidential election.

"What is interesting is Mas Ganjar's position. In his silence, he has received support from many Islamic voter base communities and the PPP. If we contrast Anies, he visited the Islamic community himself," said Ari in Jakarta, Monday, October 10.

Although Ganjar's position has strengthened in the elite of the KIB member parties, according to Ari, the Central Java Governor's move still depends on the PDIP decision.

"That's why Mr. Ganjar's position strengthened to KIB and later he will return to Mas Ganjar. Will he remain a PDIP cadre or leave PDIP? So far I feel that Mr. Ganjar is very loyal to PDIP," he said.

Ari also revealed that there was a chance for Ganjar to have a duet with Airlangga Hartarto. This is strengthened if you look at the closeness of Golkar and PDIP lately. However, the stipulation of the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pairs remains dependent on KIB members other than Golkar.

"That possibility remains open. Mr. Airlangga has the opportunity to partner with Mr. Ganjar. However, the dynamics are still very fluid. How about PAN and Golkar?" he said.

Regarding the possibility of cooperation between the axes to face the 2024 presidential election, according to Ari, it is more likely that PDIP will cooperate with KIB compared to the Gerindra-PKB or NasDem-PKS-Democratic axis.

Ari explained that Gerindra had nominated Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate for 2024, while NasDem had declared Anies. So the doors that are still open are KIB and PDIP.

"The tendency is that PDIP has more chemistry with KIB than Gerindra. Meanwhile, PDIP also wants to be a presidential candidate, not a vice presidential candidate," he concluded.

If that is the case, it is likely that three coalitions or axes will emerge in the 2024 presidential election.