Is Tear Gas Really The Trigger Of Death In Malang Kanjuruhan Tragedy?
JAKARTA - The use of tear gas during a riot at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang Regency, East Java has been in the spotlight. Even mentioned as the main cause of the death of 131 people behind the deadly tragedy.
It was the Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Choirul Anam who said tear gas from the police was the main cause of death during the national football match.
"Tear gas is the main cause of death for a number of victims," said Anam, Monday, October 10.
According to Komnas HAM, the act of easing or securing the situation in a sporting match by using tear gas actually made the situation more heated.
Anam said, Arema FC or Aremania supporters who filled the Kanjuruhan Stadium at that time panicked. They tried to get out of the stadium but were blocked by a door that was not fully open.
"The main trigger was tear gas which caused panic, so many supporters or Aremania came down scrambling to enter the exit and jostled with sore eyes, chest tightness, difficulty breathing and so on," he said.
"While the door is also open, it is also a small door so that the rich crowds are like that all day long which has resulted in death," continued Anam.
In fact, Anam said that his party received new information. There were several expired tear gas used by the police during the riots
However, this information is not absolute. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the truth of this matter. "So it's a matter of what (tear gas, ed) expired, we did get the information," said Anam.
The appearance of the statement seemed to make the Police became hot. The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, emphasized that the results of the investigation were not due to the use of tear gas.
Based on the depth of the investigation team, there were victims who suffered broken bones and other bruises. Thus, strengthening the cause is not the use of tear gas.
"There was a stampede, piled up, resulting in a lack of oxygen at door 13, door 11, door 14, and door 3. This caused quite a number of victims," said Dedi.
Inspector General Dedi said that based on research conducted by a lecturer at the University of Indonesia and the Defense University, Prof I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta, tear gas did not cause death. The only impact felt was irritation to the eyes.
"In the tear gas there is no toxin or poison that causes someone to die," said Dedi
While regarding the use of expired tear gas, Dedi confirmed it. The tear gas will expire in 2021.
However, the question of how much the two-star general used is not certain.
He only emphasized that expired tear gas did not make it more dangerous. But, quite the opposite. "With this chemical or tear gas, when it expires, the chemical levels decrease," he said.
"Similar to the effectiveness of tear gas, when it is fired it can't be more effective," continued Dedi.
Based on information obtained from lecturers at the University of Indonesia and the Defense University Mas Ayu Elita Hafizah, continued Dedi, the use of expired tear gas is said to have no harmful effects.
The impact is said to be experiencing pain in the eye in a short time.
"So, if it's expired, the level of chemical substances will decrease, then the ability will also decrease," said Dedi.
For information, behind the tragedy of the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang, at least 131 people died. Later, hundreds of other people suffered minor to serious injuries.
In handling the case, the Police have named six suspects. They include the President Director of PT LIB, Akhmad Hadian Lukita, Chair of the Arema FC Panpel, Abdul Haris, and Arema Security Officer, Suko Sutrisno.
Then, Malang Police Head of Ops, Kompol Wahyu Setyo Pranoto, Malang Police Samapta Head AKP Bambang Sidik Achmadi, and East Java Police Mobile Brigade Company Commander AKP Hasdarman.
They are suspected of being under Article 359 of the Criminal Code and or Article 360 of the Criminal Code and or Article 130 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 52 of Law Number 11 of 2022.
In addition to the six names set by the suspects, the police also briefly questioned 31 police personnel. From the results, it was found that 20 people were declared as alleged violators of the code of ethics.
They consist of four main Malang Police officers, two personnel as supervisors and controllers, three personnel as those who ordered the firing of tear gas, and 11 personnel who fired tear gas.