There Have Been More Than 41 Thousand North Acehnese Who Have Accompanied The Floods

JAKARTA - The Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) noted that 41,120 people had been displaced due to the flood disaster in North Aceh Regency, Aceh as of Friday, October 7 had reached 41,120 people. And it is predicted that it can still increase.

"Meanwhile, the total number of displaced victims recorded is 41,120 people in 12,598 families and there were no casualties," said BPBA Chief Executive Ilyas through a statement from the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) in Banda Aceh, quoted from Antara.

Flood events due to high-intensity rainfall hit the North Aceh region since Tuesday (4/10), with a water discharge height of up to one meter.

BPBA data so far, 13 sub-districts have been submerged, including Pirak Timu District as many as 23 villages, Matangkuli 26 villages, Lhoksukon 49 villages, Paya Bakong seven villages, Samudera eight villages, Cot Girek three villages and Tanah Luas nine villages.

Furthermore, the Districts of Stepan one village, Dewantara seven villages, and Muara Batu the village, as well as Nisam District, Geuredong Pase, Sawang and Banda Baro are still being collected.

"The heavy rain that flushed the North Aceh Regency area caused flooding that inundated people's houses and fields," said Ilyas.

The flood also submerged 230 hectares of rice fields and also damaged roads and bridges in Geuredong Pase District. With the total affected residents reaching 51,470 people in 14,747 families.

Meanwhile, the displaced residents reached 41,120 people in 12,598 families, spread across Pirak Timu District as many as 2,217 people in 774 families, Matangkuli as many as 7,614 people in 2,355 families and Lhoksukon as many as 31,289 people in 9,469 families.

"In addition, a landslide occurred and hit a house belonging to a farmer, Nurmiati M Jamil (64), and has been evacuated to the Sawang Health Center. The victim's condition is safe," he said.

Until now, the North Aceh BPBD and the last elements continue to make efforts to overcome it, as well as data collection on materials and victims affected by flooding. BPBA has also distributed panic assistance for the community.

"The latest condition at some points where the water began to recede and in some locations the water was still flooded," said Ilyas.

Previously, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that Aceh had entered the rainy season, so residents were asked to be aware of natural disasters in the form of floods and landslides.

A number of potential areas include Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh, Aceh Jaya, Pidie, Pidie Jaya, North Aceh, Simeulue, Aceh Singkil, Subulussalam, Sabang, Aceh Tamiang, Langsa, Gayo Lues, Southeast Aceh, Nagan Raya, Southwest Aceh, West Aceh and East Aceh.