'Couldn't It Be Just A Pamdal, Another Position In The DPR Can Also Be Entrusted'

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) criticized the confession of the Secretary General of the DPR Indra Iskandar regarding the existence of a number of members of the DPR's internal security (Pamdal) who turned out to be entrusted by members of the council.

Formappi researcher Lucius Karus, assessed that Indra's confession proved how chaotic the recruitment of employees in the DPR's management was. Instead, he suspects that recruitment with the same pattern is also applied to other positions.

"Perhaps this is the pattern of recruiting employees of the Secretary General in the DPR. Not only Pamdal, but other positions that are recruited through the secretary general, maybe use the same pattern as the recruitment of Pamdal. Disruption and entrusted members, it will definitely be accepted," said Lucius Karus to reporters, Thursday, September 29.

However, Lucius admitted that he was not surprised if the DPR's Pamdals worked carelessly to the point that they seemed arrogant. Because, he said, the Pamdal thought he had a backer after being an employee entrusted by a member of the council.

Formappi then blamed the members of the DPR who were considered destructive and detrimental to the honorable council because of this culture.

"It's a pity that the DPR is supported by Pamdal and maybe other DPR workers who are also entrusted with members. The parliamentary institution must spend energy paying people for jobs that harm institutions only," said Lucius. According to Lucius, the DPR's Secretariat General is also responsible for Pamdal who is incompetent in serving guests. It is known that a few days ago IPW, which is a guest of the DPR MKD, was not allowed to enter the parliament building.

"The secretary general of the DPR, which should be supporting the DPR system, has finally been porous because as a supporting institution, expertise should be a determinant. If it is filled by those who only receive it as long as they are entrusted it because it is deposited, maybe it will be like it is now, namely the performance of the DPR which is in disarray," said Lucius.

Lucius said that Indra Iskandar as secretary general should be ashamed and feel guilty for the findings of the recruitment pattern. "For the recruitment error he has made and the result is that Pamdal is unprofessional, the secretary general should have shame and guilt. If you have a promise, you want to change the recruitment pattern that he conveyed but resign from the position of secretary general," said Lucius.

Previously, the Secretary General of the DPR RI, Indra Iskandar, admitted that most of the members of the DPR RI's internal security (pamdal) were entrusted with the members of the council. Indra said that previously the Pamdal members were unemployed looking for work so they were not orderly.

"Our capital comes in because people are looking for work because they are unemployed. Most of them are entrusted by members of the Council. So this has recently started to become orderly. At first, the work, otherwise this is just holding a cellphone at the gate, it smokes all kinds of things," said Indra in the DPR MKD room, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 28.

Indra explained that the Pamdal personnel are trained according to the police every six months. However, according to him, only a small part of Pamdal has the opportunity to carry out their duties.

"Every six months the police are trained, once by Kopassus to train their contemplation, train their discipline," explained Indra.

"(But) Only a few. Of the 700 people, maybe no more than 50 people have a swift attitude and others," he added.

Indra also regretted the obstacles experienced by the Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso when he entered the DPR via the front gate. He made sure that his party would reshuffle the structure of the DPR's Pamdal after the incident.

"We regret that incident because the Pamdal officers at that time that there was an official invitation not to be reported to their superiors and this has been our record for many times. We will evaluate. We will have a reshuffle within the structure of the Pamdal organization," he said.

Indra ensured that order in the parliament complex area was always prioritized. According to him, anyone who enters the DPR building must follow the existing rules.

"We are trying to bring order, yes, so that is a challenge that we must regulate. Because, however, this is a high state institution. In it all trials, there are rules, so even though this is a people's house, of course this has order, there are rules that all must follow the existing rules," said Indra.