Police Follow Up On The Finding Of QR Code Access To Online Judicials At Child Toy Packaging

TANGERANG - Police are following up on access to online gambling in the form of a QR Code found in child toys in the Pinang area, Tangerang.

"Together with the Crimean Police, the Pinang Police are being investigated for alleged online gambling with a game card," said Pinang Police Chief, Iptu Tapril when confirmed, Wednesday, September 28.

Tapril also said his members had asked for information from a toy trader regarding the findings.

"We have asked the merchant for clarification. He did not know about the alleged QR code of online gambling," he said.

With this case, Tapril asked parents to be more vigilant when buying snacks or toys for children, both in the school environment and at home.

"Be more aware of snacks or toys purchased for their children. Both in the school environment and at home," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that a man named Malik was surprised to know that the children's toys he bought actually had an online gambling site QR Code. This was known when Malik checked the packaging of the toys he bought.

When interviewed, Malik admitted to buying the toy from a toy trader in front of his son's school in the Pinang area, Tangerang, Monday, September 26.

The play is a 5x8 Sentimeter-sized card with a variety of cartoon characters on one side. Then the card has a QR Code display that can be accessed or scanned. At the bottom of the QR Code it reads www.5kapai.com.

Malik initially did the scanning of the QR Code on the card. It turned out that after being clicked, an online gambling website appeared with the words mandarin.

"Initially there (QR Code) was connected to WeChat," Malik said when confirmed, Wednesday, September 28.

"It appears, it leads to foreign websites that make soccer bets or online gambling, but use Chinese," he said.