National Police Chief Replaces South Jakarta Metro Police Chief And Propam Division

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has transferred a number of its members. Starting from the appointment of the South Jakarta Police Chief to the change of Profession and Security (Propam) Division officials.

In a Secret Telegram Letter (STR) with the number ST/2046/IX/KEP./2022 dated 24 September 2022 and August 2022.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, who was confirmed about the mutation of a number of members of the Police, agreed. He said the STR was signed by the National Police HR Assistant, Inspector General Wahyu Widada.

"Yes, that's right (there is a mutation), later the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police will convey it," said Dedi when confirmed, Monday, September 26.

In the mutation, there is the name of Kombes Ade Ary who was appointed as the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief.

The position was originally held by Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto. However, he was deactivated and transferred to Yanma Polri because he was involved in the premeditated murder case of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

Then, several members were transferred from the position of Propam Division, among others, Kombes Sakeus Ginting who was previously Head of the Standards Division of Roabprof was appointed as Seswabprof.

Then, Kombes Yudo Hermanto, who previously served as Head of the Propam Division of the Banten Police, was appointed as Kabagbinpam Ropaminal, Propam Division.

In the STR, the National Police Chief also rotated several high-ranking officers (Pati) of the Bhayangkara Corps. For example, Brigadier General Agus Suharnoko became Deputy Chief of the Riau Islands Police.

Furthermore, Brigadier General Mujiyono who was appointed as Deputy Chief of the East Kalimantan Police. He will replace Brigadier General Hariyanto and who has entered retirement.

There is also Brigadier General Syamsul Bahri as Deputy Chief of the Aceh Police to fill the position of Brigadier General Agus Kurniady, who is now retired.