Green Energy Photovoltaic Technology Improves Welfare Of Farmers in Zhejiang, China

JAKARTA – Green energy, which is now being developed in many countries, has begun to show results. Even in China, a number of farmers in Zhejiang Province, feel helped by the use of green energy which has a direct impact on their income.

"If there is no electricity to pump water, these water bamboo sticks die from drought," said Zhang Yuefeng, a water bamboo farmer who was met in Yantiankeng Village, Pan'an, Monday, September 19.

According to him, water bamboo has had a direct impact on 80 percent of the income of the farmers in his village this year. Pan'an is one of the largest water bamboo plantation centers in Zhejiang.

The use of green energy through photovoltaic technology is also felt by mushroom farmers in Wuyi.

"Cultivating shitake mushrooms requires high temperatures and should not be exposed to direct sunlight and freezing. By installing solar panels on top of the greenhouse, shitake mushrooms can not only protect against wind and rain, but can also supply power to air conditioning equipment," said Li Haijun, mushroom farmer in Shangduantou Village, Wuyi.

The photovoltaic technology, which produces electrical energy from exposure to sunlight, has also made the incomes of residents in the village increase to more than 100,000 yuan or around IDR 212.5 million per year.

"Now people's wallets are thick, life is more secure," said Haijun as quoted by Antara.

Since 2021, the largest energy provider in China State Grid has completed the replacement of 10.1 million kilowatt per hour (kWh) of electrical energy in Pan'an County using technology that is cleaner and more environmentally friendly.

The green energy power plant also helps in increasing the incomes of textile industry players at the Yiwu wholesale center and Huaxi natural attractions manager.

"Displays of colorful lights at night can increase tourist visits so that our revenue from ticket sales can reach 1.1 million yuan (IDR 2.5 billion) in this year's summer holiday," said Lin Chun, who is in charge of Huaxi natural attractions.

In addition to helping improve the standard of living of farmers, the use of green energy in the eastern China region is also able to reduce carbon emissions.

Jinhua Power Supply's State Grid data shows that by utilizing green energy since this year, the Pan'an region can save 282 tons of coal and reduce emissions of about 750 tons of carbon dioxide.

The State Grid has facilitated the construction of the power plant using renewable energy since June 29, 2022 which will generate 1 million kWh to increase supply in Yiwu, the largest global wholesale center in China.