2 People Shooting People in North Aceh Arrested by Police

BANDA ACEH - The North Aceh Police Team arrested two suspected perpetrators of the shooting of a resident in Cot Mayang Village, Baktiya District, North Aceh Regency.

"Two shooting suspects have been arrested, one perpetrator has admitted, but another is still being investigated", said North Aceh Police Chief, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Riza Faisal, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 16.

Based on the results of the preliminary investigation, said the Police Chief, the motive for the shooting was a robbery. The two perpetrators are suspected of trying to rob a resident's house in the area

"The two perpetrators wanted to rob the house of a resident who had just withdrawn some money from the bank. However, when they were about to take action, the suspect caught the victim, so he shot the victim", said AKBP Riza Faisal.

Previously, the joint team of the North Aceh Police investigated the shooting by an unknown person (OTK) in Cot Mayang Village, Baktiya District, North Aceh Regency.

Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Commissioner Winardy, said the shooting occurred Thursday (1/9) early in the morning. The victim is in the name of Jamaluddin.

"The joint police team is still investigating to uncover the shooting case. Currently, the victim is being treated by the medical team", he said.

Commissioner Winardy said the victim was taken to the Cut Meutia Hospital in Lhokseumawe and then referred to the Banda Aceh RSUZA. The victim suffered a wound to the thigh.

The shooting began when the victim Jamaluddin came home from work and met an unknown perpetrator on the side of the road. At that time, the victim had asked the two perpetrators why and the perpetrator replied that the motorcycle chain fell.

After a distance of 100 meters, the victim approached them again. Without further ado, the perpetrator shot and hit the victim's right thigh.

After shooting the victim, the two perpetrators fled towards Matang Ulim Village, Baktiya District, North Aceh Regency, using a motorbike.

The temporary motive is that the suspect was trying to steal, but was caught and shot the victim. The perpetrator is known to have flashed a light on the house at the scene before being reprimanded by the victim.

"The bullet used is suspected to be a 9-millimeter caliber. Meanwhile, the type of weapon used and the motive for the shooting are still under investigation", said Winardy.