The Philippines Teachers To Madrasahs And Islamic Boarding Schools In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Philippines is studying with Indonesia regarding its plan to build a State Madrasah in Mutiara Laut Orien country. They want to learn about building, making policies and implementing policies.

Saat datang ke Indonesia, Kementerian Pendidikan Dasar, Menengah, dan Teknik dari Bangsarmoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MBHTE BARMM) Philippines yang terdiri dari 16 orang ini diterima Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam (Ditjen Pendis) Muhammad Ali Ramdhani.

In his remarks, the man who is familiarly called Kang Dhani explained that the group from the Philippines who is benchmarking will visit several Islamic Education institutions at the Al Hamid Islamic Boarding School in East Jakarta, to Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 4 Jakarta and MAN Insan Cendekia (IC) Serpong South Tangerang.

Kang Dhani explained, currently the Ministry of Religion serves more than 77,000 madrasas, 700 Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKI), both public and private, and serves 35,000 Islamic Boarding Schools spread throughout Indonesia.

"This is an extraordinary number and all of this is handled structurally by the Directorate General of Pendis. So it can be said that this is the largest Directorate in Indonesia," said Kang Dhani at the Office of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Jalan Lapangan Banteng Barat, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 14.

In addition, the Professor of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung explained that the practice of good alias studying about the implementation of this madrasa should also be able to do the Ministry of Religion itself. This means that there is nothing wrong with studying to the Philippines, especially to Moro.

"Actually, benchmarking is important, because we are currently making breakthroughs that there are challenges to future generations. Then, our curriculum was designed, to be able to answer the future of madrasa children. So, at Madrasah Aliyah we did curriculum reconstruction with Cambridge so that alumni were accepted at the leading campuses in the world," said Kang Dhani, quoted from the ministry's official website.

In front of the Philippine delegation, Kang Dhani also explained that madrasas in Indonesia are basically schools in general. However, what distinguishes is one, additional religious lessons.

The difference is that we added religious lessons as the core of organizing madrasas. So we don't change, but add," explained the ITB Bandung Alumi.

According to the Director General of Madaries Bangsamoro, the reason they want to study in Indonesia is because the country with the largest Muslim population in the world.

"In addition, we can interpret the word'moderation' with Indonesia," said Tahir.

Furthermore, Tahir revealed that the madrasas graduates in Bangsamoro are currently still having difficulty getting a job. By the provider, he continued, that the job for Madaris aka Madrasah graduates from Bangsamoro he admitted that it was still difficult to get the same opportunity as public schools.

"We want to learn how pesantren graduates and madrasas can run in the world of work like public school graduates," explained Tahir G Nalg.