Former Indonesian President BJ Habibie Dies In Memory Today, September 11, 2019

JAKARTA - Three years ago, September 11, 2019, former Indonesian President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie died at the Gatot Soebroto Army Central Hospital (RSPAD), Central Jakarta. He died at the age of 83 years.

Previously, Habibie was reported to have fallen ill due to age factors and health complications. His departure also brought deep sorrow to all Indonesian people. Condolences and condolences also came. Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) did not miss it.

Bak found pearl in the deep ocean. That's how the New Order Government (Orba) found Habibie. Habibie's achievements were actually discovered by the President of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos (1965-1986). Only then did Indonesia feel a beard fire.

Suharto quickly sent his confidant, Ibnu Sutowo, to return Habibie to Indonesia. The study was successful. Habibie later became the best Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek) owned by Indonesia. Then, he became the number one person in Indonesia to replace Suharto.

Habibie was also the person most idolized by Indonesian children in his day. It is not wrong for Indonesian musician Iwan Fals to say: to brain people like Habibie's brain. A phrase that reveals Habibie's intelligence. However, the narrative is no longer heard. Especially when Habibie reached 83 years old in 2019.

His soul is still strong, but his body is starting to weaken. Age factors and health complications are the cause. At its peak, sad news was received by all Indonesian people. Habibie died on September 11, 2019.

"Innalillahi wa innailaihi rajiun. Mr. BJ Habibie has died due to age factors and health complications. The team of doctors has done their best. Please pray and understand that we are in a state of mourning. We also ask for prayers from the whole community." said Habibie's second child, Thareq Kemal Habibie as quoted on The Habibie Center page.

The news made all Indonesian people grieve. All elements of society show their condolences. Moreover, state officials. They expressed their condolences directly by coming directly to Habibie's hospital or residence.

President Jokowi did not want to be left behind. He expressed his deep sorrow over Habibie's departure at Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital. Indonesia lost the figure of Mr. Teknologi, his gumam. He asked the family left behind to be steadfast.

Perkenankan saya atas nama seluruh rakyat Indonesia dengan pemerintah menyampaikan kekamatan yang mendalam, menyampaikan pendiriran yang menyelamatnya ke Rahmatullah Bapak Prof. BJ Habibie, tadi jam 18.05 di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto.

"Mr. Habibie, we know him as a world-class scientist, as well as the father of Indonesian technology, and he is the third President of the Republic of Indonesia. He passed away to Rahmatullah at the age of 83, and later from Gatot Soebroto Hospital he will be taken to his funeral home in Kuningan," Jokowi explained as quoted on the Cabinet Secretariat website.