Guessing Why Puan Didn't "Walk" With Airlangga, But Had Fun Riding Horse With Prabowo

JAKARTA - The cancellation of the meeting between the Chairperson of the PDI-P (PDIP) Puan Maharani and the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, is a question.

Puan was supposed to go on a political safari to face the 2024 general election with the two figures last weekend. In addition to being scheduled to exercise with Airlangga, Soekarno's daughter is planned to meet and ride with the Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto. However, the meeting only took place with Prabowo, not with Airlangga.

So what is the reason that Puan doesn't go with Airlangga, but looks like she's having fun riding with Prabowo?

Indonesian Political Parameter Executive Director Adi Prayitno assessed that the cancellation of the schedule for exploring political communication between Puan and Airlangga was only due to technical problems.

"Yes, if it doesn't happen with Airlangga, there will be technical problems," said Adi in Jakarta, Monday, September 5.

According to Adi, the non-conformance of the meeting was not based on the incompatibility between PDIP and Golkar. Moreover, both parties are political parties that support the government of President Joko Widodo.

"Because there is no problem whatsoever between PDIP and Golkar. In fact, these two parties are equally loyal to Jokowi, I think," he said.

Adi said that the reason for not holding the meeting was that either Puan or Airlangga had a more important agenda.

"If we don't meet, there must be a more important agenda. Either Puan or Airlangga, the timing doesn't match. Not because it's a match-unsuitable (party) issue," explained Adi.

Adi said that this had also happened when Puan scheduled a meeting with Prabowo, but for technical reasons, the meeting was not held. Then Puan paid a visit to NasDem. According to him, that is also what happened with the agenda of the Puan-Airlangga meeting this time.

"So it's just a technical issue. Because the information was that Puan also wanted to meet Prabowo Subianto for the first time. Just because the timing didn't match, then NasDem first. Like canceling the meeting with Airlangga, yes, because of technical problems," he said.

In addition, he said, PDIP and Golkar do not have a record of conflict and traces of problems. So that it dismissed the suspicion of incompatibility between the two parties.

"In line, both loyalists, do not have a history of conflict as long as they are both supporters of Jokowi," he concluded.

Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, explained that there are a number of issues that will be discussed in the agenda of the political safari of PDIP Chair Puan Maharani to the Golkar Party and Gerindra Party last weekend.

"With Mr. Airlangga because of his capacity as general chairman of Golkar, as well as the coordinating minister for the economy. Of course, the current situation of our economy is the material we are discussing," said Hasto in his statement, Friday, September 2.

Meanwhile, regarding Puan's conversation with Prabowo, according to Hasto, it will be about defense. This is because of Prabowo's capacity as Minister of Defense.

"Regarding Mr. Prabowo, it is also inseparable from his scope as minister of defense because we are also facing a geopolitical battle," he explained.

Through Puan, said Hasto, PDIP acted as a guest when visiting Golkar and Gerindra. So that PDIP is like knocking on the door of Golkar and Gerindra's house and waiting for the host to open it.

However, all plans for the meeting are said to have to look at the situation in order to run smoothly. The situation in question, for example, is the suitability of the day and the weather.