The Solar Program For Fisherman Cooperatives Will Be Piloted At Seven Points

JAKARTA - Pertamina together with the Ministry of SOEs and the Ministry of Cooperatives of SMEs launched the Solar Program for Fisherman Cooperatives. This program is a form of quick steps by the government to find solutions in the midst of reducing oil fuel subsidies (BBM) policies for the wealthy.

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati explained that the Solar Program for Fisherman Cooperatives will be tried at seven points as pilot projects. The seven points are in Lhoknga (Aceh), Deli Serdang, Indramayu, Pekalongan, Semarang, Surabaya, and East Lombok.

"Pertamina welcomes this program because it will make it easier for Pertamina to distribute subsidized fuel for fishermen because through this cooperative, its members by name by address will certainly go directly to the fishermen," said Nicke, in an official statement quoted Monday, September 5.

Meanwhile, SOE Minister Erick Thohir said the Solar Program for Fisherman Cooperatives would provide fuel more affordable and targeted for fishermen in need. Because fishermen's cooperatives have data on fishermen per name and address. With this policy, subsidized diesel can be more targeted.

"We will launch a fisherman solution program where this program is the Solar Program for Fisherman Cooperatives. We will try at seven points as pilot projects in the next three months," said Erick.

According to Erick, if it is successful for three months, this program will become a national policy throughout the archipelago. Erick emphasized that this program is in accordance with President Jokowi's spirit and mandate so that the government is here to provide solutions in the midst of community needs.

"We are starting gradually to help fishermen in need. We prove that the government is present, the government provides solutions for fishermen," said Erick.

Erick also ensured that he would work hard to ensure that the program, dubbed SOLUSI (Solar for Fishermen Cooperatives), went well.

On the same occasion, Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki said this program would have a direct impact on the welfare of fishermen. With solar solutions for this fishing cooperative, said Teten, it will improve the access of fishermen to get diesel convenience.

"So that later the increase in diesel will not have much impact because the supply chain will be repaired," said Teten.