The Government Asks Vivo To Price Pertalite's Equivalent Fuel, Member Of Commission VII: Go Ahead!

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto assessed that the government's move to urge Vivo gas stations to increase the price of fuel for Revvo 89 which amounted to Rp. 8,900 per liter was an excessive act.

He argues that the government has no right and has the authority to regulate the lower price of non-subsidized fuel from private operators.

"This is excessive! The cheap fuel price is benefiting the community. In the midst of the price of BBM subsidy for Petalite RON 90 which costs Rp. 10,000 per liter," said Mulyanto in his statement to the media, Monday, September 5.

Mulyanto also asked the Government to disclose subsidized fuel production price data (HPP) that has been in effect so far.

According to him, there was an oddity related to the subsidized fuel price increase policy two days ago.

The reason is, at the same time the price of non-subsidized fuel at Pertamina, Shell and Vivo was even lowered, following the drop in world oil prices.

However, the Revvo 89 type fuel, which was previously priced at Rp. 9,290 per liter, actually fell to Rp. 8,900 per liter.

As a result, people stormed the Vivo gas station.

Seeing the difference in the selling price, he asked the Government to explain why the selling price of Pertalite, which is subsidized, is even more expensive than non-subsidy fuel Revvo 89.

"This is odd. The government must be able to explain how much Pertalite's production principal (HPP) is actually. The price period is still more expensive than the price of fuel at private gas stations. This difference in prices will definitely raise questions from the public," said Mulyanto.

According to him, if the government is really objective in calculating the production principal price and fuel economic price, there should be no reason to increase the price of any type of fuel.

Moreover, said Mulyanto, world oil prices continued to fall to 89 US dollars per barrel.

Meanwhile, the government and the DPR have agreed to set a macro assumption that the world oil price is 100 US dollars per barrel.

This means that the fluctuations in world oil prices are still within the limits of the state budget capacity. Thus, the Government has no reason to increase the price of subsidized fuel," he concluded.