Viral Indomaret Kemang Customers Collection For Parking Rp15,000, Management: We Apologize

JAKARTA - A video of a netizen complaining about the parking fee of Rp. 15,000 at Indomaret Kemang, Mampang, South Jakarta, has gone viral on social media.

CRM Executive Director of PT. Indomarco Prismatama, Gondo Sudjoni emphasized that Indomaret has never charged customers parking fees.

Gondo explained that parking fees that often occur are usually initiatives from community groups around the shop.

"Regarding this, we need to clarify that Indomaret has never collected parking fees from customers or non-customers parked in the Indomaret area, we also do not employ parking attendants / drivers," he told VOI, Wednesday, August 31.

Regarding the viral news that customers were billed for parking at Rp. 15,000, Gondo said, his party had tried to contact the person concerned but had not responded.

"On this occasion, we apologize to @Santi_Salwa83 for the inconvenience experienced. Input from customers is our concern for better services," he said.

For your information, TikTok users with an account named @Santi_Salwa83 uploaded their story about the cost of Indomaret parking which they felt was too expensive. In fact, according to him, parking costs are greater than what was purchased at Indomaret.

"By the way, I'm parked at Indomaret Kemang. When I just opened the parking attendant's car, I said I'd pay first. Hah, how much? IDR 15 thousand..what? I'm gross, what kind of parking attendant is he rich? Buy aqua IDR 5,500, parking IDR 15 thousand," as quoted on Wednesday, August 31.