The Route To Ambon City Was Cut Off Due To A Landslide In Wakasihu, Maluku PUPR Service Deployed Heavy Equipment

MALUKU - A landslide cut off the main road to Ambon City in Wakasihu Country, West Leihitu District, Central Maluku Regency. The Maluku PUPR Service deployed heavy equipment to overcome this by cleaning the material.

"The use of heavy equipment to clean up because there is quite a lot of landslide material cannot be done manually by residents and police officers from the West Leihitu Police," said Head of Public Relations of the Ambon Island Police and PP Lease, Ipda Moyo Utomo in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Friday 26 August.

The main road access to Ambon City in Wakasihu Country has been cut off due to a natural disaster in the form of a landslide since Wednesday, August 24.

This natural disaster caused the power grid to be cut off. Meanwhile, a number of power poles collapsed, causing motorized vehicles to be unable to cross to Ambon.

The heavy rain that has been pouring down Wakasihu for the past two days has also exacerbated the situation. The condition of the ground became sloping so that a number of trees also collapsed at the location where the main road was cut off.

However, the police confirmed that this landslide did not cause any casualties.

At the time of the landslide on Wednesday, August 24, at around 11.30 WIT, the Head of the West Leihitu Police, Ipda Sofia Alfons, came to the scene. Sofia coordinated with the Provincial PUPR Office regarding disaster management.

"To clean up today's landslide material, the agency sent four staff to the scene to operate the excavator that was brought," he said.