Police Do Not Process Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's Resignation Letter

JAKARTA - The former Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, submitted a request for resignation as a member of the Bhayangkara Koprs before the code of ethics trial was held. The police said they would not process the request.

"Not (processed)," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, to reporters, Friday, August 26.

Meanwhile, the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) hearing against Inspector General Ferdy Sambo has also received a verdict. Sambo was fired aka it was decided to be dishonorably discharged (PTDH).

Inspector General Dedi also said that the resignation letter from Ferdy Sambo did not interfere with the results of the appeal decision. The decision was purely based on several considerations from the leaders of the congregation.

"The letter does not affect the outcome of the court's decision," said the two-star general.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo submitted his resignation as a member of Koprs Bhayangkara.

Kapori General Listyo Sigit Prabowo confirmed the news. According to him, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo has sent his resignation letter. However, the Police continued to hold an ethics trial against Sambo.

"Yes, there is a letter (the resignation of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, ed)," said Sigit to reporters, Wednesday, August 24.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo is the suspected mastermind behind the premeditated murder of Brigadier Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

The other four suspects are Bharada Richard Eliezer, Bripka Ricky Rizal, Strong Maruf, and Putri Candrawati, wife of Ferdy Sambo.

They were charged with Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.