Bank DKI Wins 3 Awards From Infobank Award

JAKARTA - Bank DKI received 3 awards at the 27th Infobank Awards. The award received by Bank DKI is a special performance bank for the category of core capital bank group (KBMI) 2 with assets of IDR 50 trillion to below IDR 100 trillion.

Then, the golden trophy is the "very good" performance predicate for 5 consecutive years, and the golden trophy is the 'very good' performance predicate for the KBMI 2 category or assets of IDR 50 trillion to below IDR 100 trillion.

"Bank DKI obtained the highest score, namely 89.41 percent, superior to other banks in its class from the bank group based on core capital (KBMI) 2 or banks with core capital above Rp 6 trillion to Rp 14 trillion, asset class Rp 50 trillion to Rp. below Rp100 trillion and recorded a double-digit performance," said Director of Finance & Strategy of Bank DKI, Romy Wijayanto in his statement, Thursday, August 25.

The Infobank award was based on the bookkeeping of Bank DKI's net profit in 2021 amounting to Rp727.36 billion and growing 25.27 percent from 2020 profit.

In terms of the intermediation function, Bank DKI collects third party funds (DPK) of Rp.

The growth of Bank DKI's DPK was also accompanied by improvements in the structure of its funds so that the Current Account Saving Account (CASA) ratio could increase significantly from 45.49 percent in 2020 to 51.37 percent.

"We dedicate this award to the customers and stakeholders of Bank DKI," said Romy.

Romy said that Bank DKI's credit and financing distribution in 2021 will reach IDR 38.70 trillion, or a growth of 8.52 percent from 2020. This credit and financing growth is above the 2021 banking industry credit growth of 5.24 percent.

Bank DKI's credit and financing distribution is carried out with due regard to the prudential principle, marked by well-maintained asset quality. This is reflected in the realization of gross NPL and net NPL which were maintained at the level of 3.02 percent and 0.38 percent, respectively.

Along with the increase in credit and profit growth, the total assets of Bank DKI will also increase in 2021, which is Rp. 70.74 trillion or a growth of 12.21 percent from 2020.

"Bank DKI's asset growth is also better than the national banking asset growth of 10.18 percent," he explained.