Airport Construction In North Sumatra's Mandailing Natal Completed 2024

MEDAN - The airport construction project in Mandailing Natal (Madina) North Sumatra is believed to be completed according to the target or 2024. The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah said, the progress of airport construction in Madina until August 2022 will proceed according to progress.

"Because according to progress, it is believed that the construction of the airport in Madina is on target, namely in 2024," he said after visiting the airport construction project. , Chairman of the DPRD Madina Erwin Efendi Lubis and his deputy Erwin Nasution reviewed the project to ensure the airport's readiness.

Musa Rajekshah said that the airport's operations in Sodojadi Village, Bukit Malintang District are expected to be as soon as possible.

The presence of the airport will increase the accessibility of people in the Madina area and its surroundings.

For a visit to the South Tapanuli area, for example, access from Madina Airport is much closer than Silangit Airport, FL Tobing Sibolga or Aek Godang.

"With the airport in Madina, it can also help the smooth transportation of prospective pilgrims from Madina to Kualanamu Airport, which has been done by road," said Musa Rajekshah.

Even some areas in West Sumatra Province that are close to Madina can use airport access in Madina.

"The operation of the airport will certainly drive the economy of Madina and the surrounding area," he said.

The airport, which is located in Bukit Malintang District, Mandailing Natal Regency, will be built with a runway length of 1,600 m and a passenger terminal with a capacity of 500,000 passengers per year. It is planned that the airport can accommodate ATR 72 aircraft.