Lawyer Ade Yasin Asks KPK To Take Strict Action On Naughty BPK Auditors

BANDUNG - The lawyer for the inactive Bogor Regent Ade Yasin, Dinalara Butar Butar, asked the KPK to take firm action against rogue Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) auditors who demanded money from local governments.

"This means that if the KPK dares to say that, the KPK must act decisively on its BPK in my opinion. Do not let an institution that we think is honorable to prevent corruption, should actually be suspected of extortion," said Dinalara on the sidelines of the trial of the alleged case. bribery of BPK auditors at the Bandung Corruption Court, West Java, reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 22.

Dinalara's statement was in response to the statement by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Alexander Marwata, who appealed to all local governments not to serve rogue auditors who asked for money in examining local government financial statements for the purpose of obtaining an unqualified opinion (WTP).

Dinalara said that the message from the Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Alexander Marwata, had also been conveyed by member judge Fernando during the trial of the alleged bribery of the BPK RI auditors for the West Java Representative during the agenda of examining witnesses last week.

"This means that it agrees with the opinion of the panel of judges, Pak Fernando, last week. In fact, he told Yukie Meistisia Ananda Putri from the office (witness), why did you give money to the extorting BPK bandits," said Dinalara.

He hopes that the KPK will not remain silent on the alleged extortion that is often carried out by unscrupulous BPK RI auditors.

"With such great authority, he (BPK) can examine all institutions throughout Indonesia, even the courts and the KPK. He must take firm action from the KPK," he said.

Earlier on Thursday, August 18, KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata advised all local governments regarding the BPK financial report case that occurred in the South Sulawesi Provincial Government and Bogor Regency Government.

"Every local government has to deal with BPK auditors every year, please so that if there are requests for money like this they are not served. Report them immediately to the BPK inspectorate so that action is also taken for rogue auditors," said Alex.

On the agenda of the trial of the alleged bribery of the West Java Representative BPK auditors, the witnesses presented by the KPK prosecutors revealed the modes of requesting money by unscrupulous BPK auditors to Bogor Regency Government employees.

One of them, Mujiyono, Head of the Finance Subdivision of Cibinong District, admitted that he had been asked for money by a BPK auditor named Gerri Ginajar Trie Rahmatullah, who is now a suspect by the KPK.

According to him, Gerri asked for Rp900 million, which is an assumption of 10 percent of the ceiling value for infrastructure works in several villages in Cibinong District.

"After Gerri's request, I reported it to the sub-district head, then the sub-district called the lurah. Then I conveyed that there was a request from the BPK for 10 percent of the infrastructure," he said.

Mujiyono said that at that time all the village heads objected to the request of the BPK auditors because of the poor financial condition. The lurah even admitted that they were ready to be audited openly by the BPK auditor regarding all reports on infrastructure work.

"Let alone covering Rp900 million, to deal with COVID the residents who are exposed are confused. Gerri still asks for money between five percent and 10 percent. I convey that the village heads are ready to be examined by the BPK. Lurah is not afraid," Mujiyono explained.

A similar opinion was expressed by Achmad Wildan, Head of Budget at Bogor Regency BPKAD, who admitted that he had been asked for money on the grounds of typing fees by a BPK auditor named Hendra Nur Rahmatullah, who is now also a suspect by BPK.

At that time, Wildan had wanted to give cash worth Rp. 5 million, but Hendra refused on the grounds that the nominal was too small.

"I gave it initially Rp. 5 million, but Hendra refused. It was added because two people, he said, with Mr. Amir (a BPK employee). Finally, another Rp. 5 million was added," said Wildan.