HSU Regent Inactive Abdul Wahid Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison, Not Sentenced To Pay Replacement Money Of IDR 26 Billion

BANJARMASIN - The panel of judges at the Banjarmasin Corruption Court (Tipikor), South Kalimantan sentenced the defendant to the inactive Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) defendant Abdul Wahid to eight years in prison for being proven guilty of corruption.

"The defendant was also fined Rp. 500 million with the condition that if it is not paid, he will be sentenced to an additional 6 months," said presiding judge Yusriansyah in Banjarmasin as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 15.

After reading the verdict, the judge said he had given the defendant and the public prosecutor (JPU) seven days to act.

On the verdict, the KPK Public Prosecutor's Team, Titto Jaelani, stated that he was thinking about it and reported it to the KPK leadership first.

This was also conveyed by the defendant's legal advisor, Fadli Nasution, who would first consult his client Abdul Wahid.

The verdict of the panel of judges is much lighter than the demands of the public prosecutor read out at the previous trial. Even the substitute money demanded by the prosecutor was not included by the judge in his verdict.

In his lawsuit, the KPK prosecutor demanded that Abdul Wahid be sentenced to nine years in prison. The defendant was also charged with a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary of 1 year in prison.

Then Abdul Wahid was also demanded to pay a replacement money of more than Rp. 26 billion. The replacement money is calculated from the total gratuities that according to the prosecutor the defendant has received since 2015 in the form of project "fees" and sale and purchase of positions within the Hulu Sungai Utara Regency Government (HSU), which is more than Rp31 billion.

This amount is then deducted from liquid assets that have been confiscated by investigators and confiscated for the state, including cash in the form of rupiah, US dollars and Singapore dollars, the value of which is approximately Rp. 5.1 billion.

If after 1 month of the inkrah decision and the defendant cannot pay the replacement money, then his property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned to pay the replacement money. However, if it is not sufficient, then the defendant is sentenced to 6 years.