Is It Necessary To Save With A Partner To Prepare For Marriage?

JAKARTA - Relationship coach Lex dePraxis explained that before deciding to save with your partner before marriage, you should first make sure that the views regarding finances between the two parties are in line.

"My advice if you want to save together, do business together and all that stuff, be patient. Just talk first. Talk about finances as much as possible first. If it's in line, the frequency is the same, then try putting money together, doing business together, and so on." "explained Lex, launching ANTARA, Wednesday, August 10.

Furthermore, Lex revealed that having savings or investments with a partner is not a reference for having a harmonious relationship. Because, saving or investing is just a tool to help build financial closeness with your partner.

"If you think 'not making savings together, it's not harmonious'. It's not like that. It's just a tool. So first make the frequency equal. If it's clear the same, then look for instruments that help build financial closeness with your partner, "said Lex.

"Many people are in serious relationships, they want to do symbols that show their seriousness. For example, let's do business together. Take steps quickly. Let's make savings, for example. Let's talk about marriage right away. " he added.

Therefore, openness about finances is also necessary in a relationship. However, Lex advises not to force couples to rush to open up about their respective finances.

The first thing you can do is talk about your personal finances. Thus, the chat will flow so that both parties can find out the couple's financial information. However, if you have a closed partner, Lex suggests giving your partner time to open up.

"If you've been open about finances, but he's kept quiet, maybe it's a habit from childhood. He's not used to talking about it. Or there was a past experience where he told stories, was used as a weapon to humiliate him, etc. So there are many reasons why couples can't open up about things that we think are easy," said Lex.

"The solution is not to rush, it doesn't match, and then disband. Have a chat first. For example, there is also a topic about finances from social media with your partner. So it's a conversation, slowly, if he feels this is a valuable relationship with you, he will start joining in. So give him time to adjust to you," he concluded.