The Supply Of Subsidized Fuel For Fishermen In Labuan Pandeglang Is Fulfilled

PANDEGLANG - The supply of subsidized fuel for fishermen in Labuan Bay, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, has been fulfilled. This is to achieve food self-sufficiency.

"We supply 345 kiloliters of subsidized fuel for fishermen here", said the supervisor of the TPI Teluk Labuan Udin (35) fisherman gas station, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 7.

The supply of subsidized fuel for fishermen at the Labuan Bay Fish Auction Place (TPI), Pandeglang Regency, is allocated for as many as 300 fishermen.

The fishermen bought Pertalite subsidized fuel for IDR 7,650/liter, Pertamax AX 92 at IDR 12,500/liter, and Bio Solar at IDR 5,150/liter.

The fishermen who buy the subsidized fuel are, of course, limited and adapted to the boat fleet where most of the fishermen in the area use outboard engine boats and only go out for two to three days at sea.

With the fulfillment of subsidized fuel, he said, it can support fishermen's businesses to run smoothly as well as minimize production costs.

"All fishermen who receive subsidized fuel supply also have a fisherman card", he explained.

Ali (45), a fisherman at TPI Labuan, Pandeglan Regency, said that he felt helped and grateful to receive 140 liters of Bio-Solar fuel and enough for three days of fishing.

So far, as a fisherman, he has had no trouble getting subsidized fuel.

"After three days at sea, we returned to redeem the subsidized diesel quota of 140 liters of IDR 760 thousand", said Ali.

Likewise, Arman (50), a fisherman from TPI Panimbang, Pandeglang Regency, said that so far the supply of subsidized fuel has been smooth and fulfilled at Pertamina gas stations.

The fishermen on the coast certainly feel grateful for the subsidized diesel fuel, so that their fishing business can be profitable.

"Every two days we go to sea to get a quota of subsidized fuel for 100 liters of diesel for IDR 5,500", said Arman.

Meanwhile, Yanto, an auctioneer at TPI Labuan, explained that currently, the supply of diesel fuel is sufficient and all fishermen get what they need while at sea.

The fishermen's catch is relatively good because the weather is normal. Most of the catches are tuna, cue, snapper, squid, snapper, bentong, rancagantang, and others.