Use Ex-Coal Burning PLTU To Build Residents' Houses, PLN Makes Sure It's Not Hazardous Waste

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) continues to utilize the results of burning coal at a steam power plant (PLTU) or known as fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) to build houses for residents. This time targeting three houses in Suak Puntong Village, Kuala Pesisir District, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province.

General Manager of the North Sumatra Power Generation Unit (UIK SBU) PLN Purnomo said the handover of three housing units that were built using FABA as a material is a form of PLN's social and environmental concern for the community around the PLTU Nagan Raya.

"The house that we build is not only a form of social care for our brothers and sisters in the lower economy, it is also in the context of environmental control. In this case, we turn the ashes from burning coal into other products that can be used for construction, such as bricks, paving blocks, and so on," he said. Purnomo, in an official statement, Tuesday, July 26.

The FABA used to build the three housing units reached 65 tons. Utilization of the ash from the coal-fired power plant will later become a routine agenda.

"The Nagan Raya PLTU is a proud generator. It is one of the backbones of power plants in Sumbagut, especially Aceh," said Purnomo.

Meanwhile, PLN's Vice President of Environment Ajrun Karim ensured that FABA is not hazardous and toxic waste (B3) so it does not damage the environment and is harmful to humans.

"I prefer to call it a by-product. From the beginning we did not consider FABA as waste, so we never disposed of it. FABA can also be used as fertilizer. In Central Kalimantan and West Sumatra FABA is used as fertilizer for palm oil because it contains silica," explained Ajrun.

The Assistant I of the Nagan Raya Regency Government, Zulfikar, who represents the Nagan Raya Regent, Jamin Idham, also expressed his appreciation for PLN's concern for the people in Nagan Raya Regency.

"The Nagan Raya government is trying to improve the quality of life of the people. One of them is by opening up to investment," said Zulfikar.