Leaking Gas Pipe Incident At MT Haryono Street, South Jakarta, Waskita Karya Apologizes To Road Users

JAKARTA - PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk as the contractor for the busway stop revitalization project apologized for the gas pipe leak incident of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) on MT Haryono Street, South Jakarta.

"We apologize to road users and users of public facilities for this incident", said Waskita Karya Corporate Secretary, Novianto Ari Nugroho, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 20.

Novianto said that his party had carried out work methods according to standard operating procedures before starting the revitalization project through a joint survey with PGN on May 23, 2022 to determine tracing the existing gas pipeline.

In addition, the company has also conducted a pit test to determine the PGN pipeline from May 30, 2022 to June 6, 2022.

The point where sheet piling work is currently being carried out is far from the indicated location for the PGN gas pipeline, which has been carried out with a joint survey. When carrying out the work, Waskita was accompanied by PGN.

"Currently the Project team has coordinated with related parties in this case PGN to close valves, repair leaky pipes, and sterilize work areas with the Police to help regulate traffic and the fire department to anticipate sparks", said Novianto.

He further stated that there were no casualties and that traffic on MT Haryono Street had been reopened.

The Company continues to be committed to prioritizing aspects of quality, occupational safety and health in all projects.

"Due to this incident, the completion of the project will still be completed according to a predetermined schedule", said Novianto.

The Head of the Tebet Police, Commissioner Chitya Intania Kusnita, said that his party was investigating the alleged leak of the PGN gas pipeline near Cawang Station.

According to her, the pipe leak occurred for about 30 minutes and did not cause any sparks as a result of the incident.

Meanwhile, online motorcycle taxi driver Zulkarnaen who saw the incident said white smoke was seen rising at around 11.00 WIB and soon bursts of dirt were seen from the location of the rising smoke.