Record Entrance Offers Of IDR 29.45 Trillion, Auction Of Seven Series Of Government Securities Sets Yield Of IDR 11.87 Trillion

JAKARTA - The government's plan through the Ministry of Finance to auction seven series of government bonds (SUN) through the Bank Indonesia auction system, has been realized on Tuesday 19 July. From this action, the government received a total of Rp29.45 trillion in bids.

Citing information from the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance, most of the bids entered in the SUN auction are in the FR0091 series. The amount reached Rp. 15.29 trillion.

The FR0091 series is also the SUN series with the highest yield coming in or reaching 8.05 percent.

However, in accordance with the authority granted by Law Number 24 of 2002 concerning SUN, the Minister of Finance only stipulates the auction proceeds of Rp. 11.87 trillion.

In detail, FR0091 remains the highest value won by Rp6.35 trillion. The series won the highest yield of 7.49 percent with a coupon rate of 6.37 percent.

Meanwhile, the SPN12230720 series was the lowest, or around Rp. 20 billion.