Puan Says The Results Of Y20 Meeting Will Be Accepted By The President
JAKARTA - Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR), Puan Maharani, conveyed that the results of the Youth 20 Summit (KTT Y20) Indonesia would be accepted by President Joko Widodo or Jokowi. Y20 is a forum for dialogue and discussion for youth from G20 countries.
Puan hopes that the results of the meeting will bring ideas to deal with problems on all fronts.
"So, from the results that they will discuss later, usually, I just reported it, it will be the state leaders who will receive it. Which later is the result of their meeting, it is hoped that they can bring ideas, suggestions or input before the G20 is held", said Puan in Networking Night event in the series of Youth 20 (Y20) Indonesia 2022 Summit, Sunday, July 17.
Puan emphasized the vital role of young people in advancing the nation. For that, he fully supports these activities.
"So, I came here to support that young people in the G20 countries of course have a very important role to be able to advance their nation", she said.
Y20 co-chair Michael Sianipar expressed his gratitude to Puan who was willing to be involved in the Y20 Indonesia series. He admitted that he agreed with Puan that Indonesia is a strong country.
"So it is a great honor for us and the youth of the world that in Indonesia we show the strength of our democracy, and that was conveyed directly by Mrs. Puan as the Chair of the DPR, it shows that Indonesia is a strong country. Our economy is also very strong fundamentally", said Michael.
Meanwhile, Co-chair Y20 Rahayu Saraswati explained that there were four priority issues proposed by Indonesia to be discussed in the forum. Including the issue of employment among young people.
"The first is youth employment. The second is digital transformation. The third is a sustainable and livable planet. And lastly is an initiative from Indonesia, diversity, and inclusiveness", said Saraswati.
Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan encouraged the results of the Y20 international youth meeting to be accommodated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as the leader of the G20 Forum. He requested that the results of the meeting be submitted to Jokowi.
Present at the networking event tonight were 59 people consisting of 17 Y20 delegate countries. Then there are also representatives from world organizations, namely the WTO, ADB, and ASEAN. In addition, there are several members of the DPR. The five co-chairs of Y20 Indonesia are Michael Victor Sianipar, Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo, Budy Sugandi, Indra Dwi Prasetyo, and Nurul Hidayatul Ummah.