Other Cities Follow, Government Installs 350 PJU-TS In Batam City

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Directorate General of EBTKE supported by Commission VII DPR RI and local governments, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources installed 350 units of Solar Street Lighting (PJU-TS) in Batam Province.

Director of Planning and Infrastructure Development for EBTKE Hendra Iswahyudi said the installation of the PJU-TS is a government commitment to carry out a program of activities that directly benefit the community.

The use of this APBN budget should be returned to the community and used directly by the community.

"Besides that, it is also a manifestation of the government's commitment in accelerating the NRE mix," said Hendra in an official statement, Monday, July 18.

The PJU-TS Installation Program in Batam City is one of the solutions for electricity efficiency for lighting that is focused on rural roads, especially those that are difficult to reach by the PLN network.

In addition, in line with the implementation of tariff adjustments in the third Quarter of 2022 for households with 3,500 VA power or more and Government groups, including the Public Street Lighting (P3) tariff group, the installation of PJU-TS can reduce local government expenditures originating from from street lighting.

"If we look at efficiency, the local government will benefit. In Batam, in 2020 there will be 140 points (PJU-TS), and in 2021 there will be 350 points, so there will be 490 points. After calculating this pole, one month can save Rp. 7.5 million. If multiplied by a year, it can save Rp. 90 million for one pole, "explained Hendra.

Meanwhile, member of Commission VII DPR Asman Abnur on the same occasion explained that currently Batam City is experiencing rapid development, infrastructure developments are also being encouraged.

"Now the roads are wide everywhere, as a result the investors who come in are extraordinary. Today I especially thank the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for realizing the community's proposal, namely this solar street lighting. Hopefully this will be something that is useful for our community all," said Asman.

The installation of 350 PJU-TS in Batam City, one of which is located in the Bida KSB housing estate, Patam Lestari Village, Sekupang District is very beneficial for the community.

Now people can move safely and comfortably at night.

"We feel that after the PJU-TS, people can do activities at night, such as children playing, mothers who go to the mosque are no longer dark. In addition, the main roads that were previously dark, limited visibility, With the PJU-TS, the road can be seen clearly so that accidents are avoided," said the Head of RW 10 housing Bida KSB Baharudin.

For information, in 2021, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Directorate General of EBTKE has built 22,000 PJU-TS or the equivalent of lighting up 1,100 km of roads, spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia.

Which if added up from the 2015 to 2021 fiscal year, the total installed PJU-TS is 90,687 units or the equivalent of lighting up 4,534 km of roads.