Gibran Immediately Moves Hundreds Of Vendors At The Ngarsopuro Night Market To The West Side Of Sriwedari Stadium

JAKARTA - The Surakarta City Government, Central Java, immediately relocated hundreds of traders from the Ngarsopuro Night Market following the planned corridor arrangement in the area.

Head of the Surakarta City Cooperatives and Industry Cooperatives (Dinkopukmperin) Wahyu Kristina in Solo, Central Java, Friday, July 15, said that the socialization had been carried out to 200 traders who used to sell at the Ngarsopuro Night Market.

He said that starting Saturday, July 16, the traders will occupy a new location on the west side of the Sriwedari Stadium, starting from the Sriwedari intersection to the Keris Museum intersection.

"For the use of this location, it will be carried out until the arrangement of the Ngarsopuro corridor is complete," he said, as quoted by Antara.

For the preparations carried out, his party has prepared supporting facilities and infrastructure, including the need for tents and power lines.

"We have also coordinated with local traders in the Sriwedari area, they are enthusiastic in the hope that it will be more crowded. For night market traders, they have also been socialized to start in new locations since this Saturday," he said.

Mentioned about the enthusiasm of the community to stay interested in coming even though the traders were moved, he ensured that the night market would still be full of visitors.

In addition, according to him, the wider road width will certainly be able to accommodate all traders and make visitors more free to walk around.

"If you look at the size of the road, it's wider, so it's more flexible if it is filled with 50 tents. Hopefully, traders can stay comfortable while in the new location for the time being. We hope that the people who usually come will know about this change in location," he said.

Meanwhile, Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the Ngarsopuro corridor arrangement project would be carried out in the near future.

"This July, we will fix Ngarsopuro. (The work time) is six months," he said.