Lili Pintauli Will Lecture Golkar About Anti-Corruption And Integrity

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Lili Pintauli will give a lecture to top Golkar Party officials regarding anti-corruption. This activity will be carried out during the Qualified Smart Politics (PCB) briefing which will be held today, Tuesday, June 28.

"KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar and the ranks of the KPK Deputy for Education and Community Participation will provide a briefing for the Golkar Party," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati in a written statement quoted on Tuesday, June 28.

The anti-corruption briefing activities must be followed by political party administrators. The goal is for them to have more integrity.

It is planned that the activity will be attended by 100 participants consisting of the chairman and representatives of the board of 34 Golkar Party DPD.

"Executive briefings and anti-corruption briefings in the PCB program which are intended for political party administrators are one of the KPK's efforts to encourage the strengthening of internal integrity within political parties," said Ipi.

"We hope that every political party can participate in this program as a form of commitment and seriousness of political parties to create a better democracy," she added.

Previously, the PDI-P and a number of other parties such as the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the Gerindra Party had received similar training. KPK chairman Firli Bahuri lectured PDIP officials on anti-corruption on Monday, 27 June.

This PCB activity will continue until next August by inviting parties that will compete in the General Election (Pemilu). The target is to improve integrity and prevent corruption in the political field.