Helping Government Market Debt Instruments, BRI Sales Of SBR011 Reach Rp 1.5 Trillion Target

JAKARTA – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. (BRI) reports that the sale of the Retail Saving Bond (SBR) investment instrument, the SBR011 series, which was offered from May 25 to June 16, 2022, has touched the figure of IDR 1.5 trillion.

BRI's Director of Consumer Business said that the score exceeded the target given by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) to BRI. He explained that overall sales of SBR011 at various partners of the Ministry of Finance had recorded a total of Rp. 13.91 trillion.

"This shows Handayani's high enthusiasm of investors for investment instruments from the government and is a positive signal," he said in an official statement quoted on Sunday, June 26.

According to Handayani, the sale of SBR011 is part of the contribution of the entire community in helping and encouraging the government to accelerate the recovery of the national economy.

“SBR011 itself is the only non-tradable Government Bond (SUN) guaranteed by the state with a nominal purchase starting from IDR 1 million. SBR011 offers a floating coupon (yield) with a minimum coupon of 5.50 percent," he said.

Handayani added, SBR011 has a tenor of two years with a maturity date of June 10, 2024. However, the government provides an early redemption facility.

Furthermore, he also conveyed that the investment product issued by the government has succeeded in attracting many new investors. The number of new SBR011 investors in BRI increased by 68 percent from the total 2600 investors who purchased SBR011 compared to the SBR010 product offering which was published last year.

"This year BRI in carrying out the SBR011 offering managed to get sales of almost Rp. 1.5 trillion and when compared to SBR010, the increase in sales grew to 41 percent," concluded Handayani.