The Thief Caught In The Shaman's House Turns Out To Have Broken 38 Shophouses

MATARAM - Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, said that the perpetrator of the theft with the initials M (25) who was caught while visiting a shaman's house in Central Lombok was revealed to have broken into 38 shop houses (ruko).

"From the development of the investigation, it was revealed that this perpetrator had carried out his crimes at 38 shophouse crime scenes, an increase from the previous 26 crime scenes. These were spread in the cities of Mataram and Central Lombok," said Kompol Kadek in Mataram, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 23.

Because there are other locations in Central Lombok, Kadek Adi ensures that his party will also coordinate with the Central Lombok Police Satreskrim Team.

In his actions, he continued, M not only worked alone but also had a colleague who is now on the police wanted list.

"That friend we are still hunting for. So sometimes he acts alone, sometimes together," he said.

Then from 38 shop houses, one of which is located in the Ampenan area, Mataram City, it was revealed that M.

"So indeed he is a shop-breaker specialist. One crime scene, there are those he broke into two to three times," continued Kompol Kadek.

The perpetrator from Jempong Baru, Mataram City, was arrested in the Pringgarata area, Central Lombok Regency, on Wednesday (22/6) early morning.

Kadek Adi explained that his party arrested M while he was "bathing flowers" at a shaman's house.

M when questioned by the police, admitted to breaking into a shophouse to prepare for his plan to go abroad as an Indonesian Migrant Worker (PMI).

"The reason (showering flowers) is that I want to go to PMI," he said.

M is currently being held at the Mataram Police Rutan. From the examination, M was determined as a suspect under the suspicion of Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft.