Deportation Of French And Saudi Arabian Citizens, Cianjur Immigration Office: Strict Actions If Violating Stay Permits

CIANJUR - Cianjur Immigration Checkpoint, West Java, deported French and Saudi Arabian citizens who violated their residence permits.
"The results from the immigration intelligence officer found that the woman from France and a man from Saudi Arabia violated the rules regarding the residence permit while in Indonesia, especially in Cianjur", wrote a press statement from the Immigration Office Class III Non-Immigration Checkpoint (TPI), Tuesday, June 21.
The two foreigners were deemed to have violated Article 75 paragraph 1 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration so both of them were repatriated to their respective countries.
The article reads "The Immigration Officer is authorized to carry out Immigration Administrative Actions against Foreigners in the Indonesian Territory who carry out dangerous activities and are reasonably suspected of endangering security and public order or not respecting or disobeying the laws and regulations."
The repatriation of the two was carried out by his party after reporting to the Soekarno-Hatta Class I Immigration Office. The two foreigners were escorted by officers to enter the plane.
"Both of them were deported through Terminal 3 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, using Saudi Arabian Airlines. For Saudi Arabian foreigners, previously living in Pacet District and French citizens violated the residence permit in Cianjur District", said the statement.
His party appealed to residents throughout Cianjur to immediately report if they found any foreign nationals in their area of residence so that they could be investigated.
"Strict action will be taken, including deporting them if they violate their residence permit", the statement said.