Bekasi Manpower Office Launches "Warkop Sekolah" To Overcome Unemployment

BEKASI DISTRICT - The Manpower Office of Bekasi Regency, West Java launched the "Warkop Sekolah" program, namely six action plans to overcome unemployment problems through strategic, concrete, measurable, directed, and targeted steps.

"According to the instructions of the Acting Regent of Bekasi Dani Ramdan, which is his priority program for 100 working days, Warkop Sekolah is a solution to problems in the employment cluster," said Head of the Bekasi Regency Manpower Office, Suhup in Cikarang, Monday, June 20.

He explained that the Warkop Sekolah program includes self-employment training in the form of hard skills training that forms skills or abilities to run a business.

"In this sector, we optimize our expertise in making cloth, digital marketing, electronic services, batik weaving, and making cassava chips," he said.

Then competency training by UPTD Work Training Center of the Manpower Office of Bekasi Regency. This training is organized by job training units and job training institutions. Participants who pass will be given a competency certification in collaboration with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).

Furthermore, the study of the labor market and MSMEs by conducting a study of the needs of the labor market and the need for MSME cooperation in each company in Bekasi Regency.

"This study was conducted for three months by a team consisting of elements of the government, Apindo, and labor stakeholders. The results become a reference in overcoming unemployment and poverty in the medium and long term," he said.

The fourth Warkop Sekolah program is a work placement collaboration through a joint commitment between local governments and companies which includes reporting job vacancies from companies to local governments on a regular basis.

"Recruiting company workers through the Bekasi Regency Government, recruiting local workers or job seekers who have Bekasi Regency e-KTPs, and recruiting people who have carried out competency tests," he said.

It's not enough there, said Suhup, Warkop Sekolah also has a Pancasila Industrial Relations (HIP) program with an implementation concept based on Pancasila principles, which begins with Training of Trainers for elements of the local government, Apindo, as well as trade unions that sit in Tripartite cooperation institutions.

"One of the action plans is to compile a HIP book in four languages, namely Indonesian, English, Japanese and Korean," he said.

The last is pre-employment schools, a collaboration between companies and vocational schools in the Bekasi Regency area called the Bapak Asuh program, namely one company fosters three vocational schools in the form of activities, soft skills training and work culture, recruitment selection, apprenticeship for three to six months, and work contracts (PKWT).

"We are optimistic that the realization of the Warkop Sekolah program can reduce the unemployment rate, especially for local residents in Bekasi Regency," said Suhup.