Tagop Sudarsono Gratification Case, Witness Claims To Be Pressured By KPK Investigators, Prosecutor Promises To Have Confrontation In Court

AMBON - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecution team questioned witness Liem Sin Tiong who admitted that he was pressured by KPK investigators during an examination to admit that the 2011-2016 South Buru (Bursel) Regent Tagop Sudarsono Soulisa asked for eight percent of the project value.

"If you, the witness, feel pressured, we will present KPK investigators who will examine you in court for confrontation," said the KPK JPU team, coordinated by Prosecutor Taufiq Ibnugroho in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 16.

Liem's confession was delivered when he was presented as a witness for the defendant Ivana Queljoe in a virtual trial led by the Chief Justice of the Ambon Corruption Court, Nanang Zulkarnain Faizal accompanied by Jenny Tulak and Anthonius Sampe Sammine as member judges.

As a result of Liem's confession, the KPK Prosecutor's Team again opened Ivana's indictment file and read witness statements in front of KPK investigators.

During the trial, witnesses who were present in the courtroom were asked about their role in the alleged bribery and gratification of the Bursel Regent worth Rp. 23,279 billion between 2011 and 2021.

The witness, who claimed that he was only an elementary school graduate, did not own a company and he approached the South Buru Regent to lobby for a number of projects that could be carried out by the defendant Ivana as the President Director of PT Vidi Citra Kencana who transferred money from 2015 to 2017 amounting to Rp3.950 billion through the defendant Johny Rynhard Kasman .

Liem also admitted that he received a salary from the defendant Ivana. If there is a request from the Regent for 8 percent of the value of the road construction project in Namrole City in 2015 worth more than Rp. 3 billion, then the request is submitted to the defendant Ivana.

"When it comes to agreeing or not with the 8 percent request, ask Ivana," said the witness.

Because, initially what was asked for Rp. 200 million because the Regent was going to Jakarta, then there was another request for Rp. 200 million and the witness told the defendant Ivana.

The Panel of Judges postponed the trial until next week, still with the agenda of examining the witnesses presented by the KPK JPU team.