Appreciating Muhammad Lutfi's Performance, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan Ready To Solve Cooking Oil Issues In The First 100 Days As Minister Of Trade

JAKARTA - After being elected as the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan said he would try his best to solve the current problems in the first 100 days. One of them that never ends is the high price of cooking oil in the country.

Zulhas, his nickname, admitted that he would work quickly. Because, he said, there has been no time to fix the problems that exist in this country related to trade.

Especially considering that the term of office of the Minister of Trade in the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin cabinet is only 2 years remaining. "This is my remaining term of office (2 years), the time is short, the time is short with the background that I have with experience in government, I was also a partner of Commission VI 2004, a partner of the Ministry of Trade," he said at the Ministry of Trade Office, Jakarta, Wednesday. , June 15.

Regarding the cooking oil problem, said Zulkifli, President Jokowi has also appointed the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. Therefore, according to him, the collaboration between him and Luhut will solve the problem.

"If we are together, the cooking oil will not be finished for a long time. Hopefully we can finish it quickly, the availability and the price is affordable," he said.

On the same occasion, Zulhas also thanked the previous minister Muhammad Lutfi, who had dedicated himself to the country.

"We have to work fast, we appreciate what Pak Lutfi has done," he said.

For your information, the problem of cooking oil in the country has not yet been resolved. Various policies were taken to ensure supply availability and price stabilization in the country, starting from the one price policy of IDR 14,000 per liter, then the highest retail price (HET), 10 percent DMO-DPO which was later increased to 20 percent.

Also not effective, in April 2022 President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also decided to temporarily ban the export of crude palm oil or crude palm oil and its derivatives including cooking oil. The goal is to reduce domestic prices. Along with developments on May 23, 2022, Jokowi lifted the export ban. Then, the DMO-DPO policy was enforced again.