Commemorating Bhayangkara Anniversary, NTT Police Holds Mural Contest

KUPANG - The East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police held a mural competition for mural lovers in NTT to welcome the 76th Anniversary of Bhayangkara which will fall on July 1, 2022. One of them will be a mural competition," said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Polda AKBP Ariasandy in Kupang, Wednesday 15 June. Currently, he said, there are 18 people and groups who have registered to take part in the mural competition which will be held on Saturday, June 25 next week at the NTT Regional Police. Later the jury will select participants to enter the final round of painting murals to determine who wins the mural competition. For the theme itself he said the committee raised the theme "The Police Are Us" with sub-themes divided into four namely Stop spreading hoaxes, use social media to spread kindness. The second is the threat of hoaxes and social conflict, achieve your dreams without drugs and the fourth is vaccination. on Monday 20 June next week. Therefore, we hope that friends who like to paint murals can register now before it closes," he added. For his own purposes, he added, the NTT Police wanted mural lovers to channel their creativity, especially millennials. with the Police, especially the NTT Police.