Police Hunt For Firearmed Thief Who Opened Fire In Bekasi

BEKASI - Bekasi Police are hunting for the perpetrators of the attempted theft with firearms on Jalan Raya Industri, Sukaresmi Village, Cikarang Selatan District, Bekasi Regency, Friday (10/6) night.

"We have visited the TKP (the crime scene) and examined several witnesses. Even though the victim has not made a report, the police will continue to hunt for the two perpetrators," said Bekasi Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKBP Aris Timang, quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 11.

He explained that the actions of the two perpetrators were reckless because one of the perpetrators intentionally opened fire at the victim after his actions were known to the victim, even though the bullet that was fired missed so that the victim did not suffer any injuries.

"It happened at 10.30 last night. At that time the victim was visiting an e-cigarette shop and parked the vehicle in the front yard of the shop," he said.

Aris admitted that the perpetrator's actions were also caught on surveillance cameras and went viral on social media. The perpetrator was seen riding off his partner's motorbike and immediately started the victim's motorbike forcibly.

In less than 10 seconds, said Aris, the trail-type motorbike was successfully ignited. The perpetrator then moved the victim's helmet from the top of the motorbike to the edge of the parking lot.

The victim, who realized that the lights and engine of his motorbike were on, immediately left the shop and shouted at the perpetrator who had boarded the victim's motorbike.

"The victim saw the motorcycle and immediately screamed from inside. Luckily, if he didn't see the light on the motorbike quickly, maybe now the motorbike is gone," he said.

The perpetrator immediately dropped the motorbike and took out a firearm that was stored under his shirt and then shot at the victim who had been hiding behind a wall.

Luckily, the victim was not injured because the shot missed. The two perpetrators then fled.

"We've contacted the victim, but they haven't been picked up. Maybe it's because the motorbike wasn't taken, so he went straight home last night," said Aris.