Steel Import Corruption Case, AGO Examines 5 Witnesses From The Ministry Of Industry

JAKARTA - Investigators of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) of the Attorney General's Office examined 5 witnesses from the Ministry of Industry related to the investigation of cases of alleged corruption in the import of iron or steel.

The Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, said the witness being examined was the Director of the Metal Industry for the period August 2020 to January 2022 with the initials BS.

"BS as a civil servant was examined to explain the issuance of technical considerations in the import of iron or steel, alloy steel, and their derivative products," said Ketut, in a written statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

The next witness with the initials NN, as a civil servant serving as Coordinator of Software and Content) The ILMATE Directorate was examined to explain the technical explanation for the issuance of technical considerations at the Ministry of Industry.

Then, witness DH as the Head of the Sub-directorate (Kasubdit) of the Iron Metal Industry at the Directorate General (DG) of ILMATE for the 2018-2019 period and the Director of the Metal Industry at the Directorate General of ILMATE.

"DH is examined regarding the parameters for providing technical considerations on imports of iron or steel, alloy steel, and their derivative products," said Sumedana.

Furthermore, the witness with the initials DZA as a civil servant at the Ministry of Industry was examined regarding the issuance of technical considerations in the importation of iron or steel, alloy steel, and their derivative products and the witness with the initials WAP as the Head of the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) of the Ministry of Industry.

"WAP is examined to explain related to the number of technical considerations on imports of iron or steel, alloy steel, and their derivative products," said Ketut.

In this case, investigators named 9 suspects, namely 3 individual suspects and 6 corporate suspects.

Of the three individual suspects, two of them are private suspects and one is from the Ministry of Trade. The three suspects, namely Hold Banurea Young Analyst of Import Trade at the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (Dirjen Daglu) of the Ministry of Trade, Taufiq, Manager of PT Meraseti and Founder of PT Meraseti with the initials BHL or Budi Hartono Linardi.

Meanwhile, the other six suspects are importing companies, namely PT Bangun Era Sejahtera, PT Duta Sari Sejahtera, PT Inti Sumber Bajasakti, PT Jaya Arya Kemuning, PT Perwira Aditama Sejati, and PT Prasasti Metal Utama.